The Chinese version is after the English one.
I heard a joke, “Can I smoke while praying?” Asked by a smoking guy. The pastor’s response was, “No.” Then he asked, “Can I pray while smoking?” The pastor replied, “Yes.”
Both involve smoking and praying, so why is one allowed while the other is not? The difference lies in whether the sovereignty of the heart is surrendered to God. During prayer, sovereignty belongs to God, and you should not engage in activities that do some harm to your body. But when you are smoking and still remember God, praying to Him in that moment, it makes a different story. God loves such prayers. He doesn’t require us to be a saint before we come before His throne.
It may sound like the path to holiness is not that difficult. Just pray during moments of rebellion, right? However, upon closer examination, you’ll realise that it’s not so simple.
Does Becoming a Saint Lead to Salvation?
According to this logic, when you’re attracted to a lady’s boops across the street, you should pray; when your wife asks if you have impure thoughts and you want to loudly say “no,” you should pray; when your child accidentally drops your iPhone on the floor, and you feel your temper rising, you should pray; when your child scolds you and says, “I learned it from you!” and you want to kick them out, you should pray; when your mother nags you to quit smoking, and you want to roll your eyes at her, you should pray; when your child ranks first in class and you want to show off to others, you should pray; when you discover that your colleague’s child is actually ranked first in the entire grade, and it makes you feel embarrassed about your own child, you should pray…
If you can’t do all of this, does it mean you cannot abide in God’s kingdom and are not God’s people? Is this what it means to become sanctified through faith in Jesus?
Who can, by sheer willpower, allow God to control and govern every minute and second of their lives? If you dare to claim that you can, then I am sorry to say that probably you are blind to your own shortcomings.
It is said in the oriental world that it takes five hundred years of practice just to have a chance encounter with your true love in the next life. So, what kind of practice is required to be in eternal communion with God? It’s simply not possible.
God knows that we are incapable. The author of the Bible’s book of Romans, the Apostle Paul, also said, “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me” (Romans 7:21). He also said, “The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so” (Romans 8:7). This highlights our inherent nature, which cannot draw near to God through our efforts alone. Being unable to draw near to God means that we can only “wander between hell and return to the mortal world,” our inner void remains unfilled, our trauma has limited solutions, and we have no certainty about life and death. (What does it imply saperating from God? Please read “Believing in Jesus is Like Changing Nationality?”)
The Greatest Miracle: From Death to Life
When you see your beloved child fall into the water and is helpless to swim to safety, what do you do? You jump into the water yourself and rescue him. Our God is just like that. He knows that we are beyond help, so He became one of us, and that person is Jesus. Think about it; when you realise that a baby will defecate in their diaper, and even a slight delay in changing it will result in a mess, you’ll understand how incredible it is that God became a human being. God did this.
Maybe you’ve heard something similar: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Have you ever wondered about the connection between Jesus’s birth and our eternal life?
God also knew that this would be difficult for people to understand, so over 1,400 years before the birth of Jesus, He arranged a stunning event as a manoeuvre. You’ve likely heard of it, but you might have considered it just a myth without realising its earth-shattering significance. This event served as a prelude to a greater salvation plan.
At that time, the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. God sent Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but the Egyptians resisted and refused to let them go. So, God sent plagues upon Egypt, but they still didn’t repent, forcing God to send the final plague—killing the firstborn of all Egyptians.
However, the Israelites and the Egyptians were living in the same land. How could the avenging spirit distinguish between the two groups and not destroy God’s people along with the Egyptians?
So, God instructed Moses to tell the Israelites to slaughter a lamb in each household on that night and to put the lamb’s blood on the doorposts. When God’s fierce wrath swept through the land, it would pass over the houses with the lamb’s blood, sparing God’s people from the plague of death. After passing through this ordeal, the great miracle of parting the Red Sea occurred. This is the first Passover for the Jewish people, a remembrance of how the disaster of slaughter passed over them. Even today, many Jewish people still observe this tradition.
What happened fourteen hundred years later? In the article “Believing in Jesus is Like Changing Your Nationality?” I explained the difference between the two kingdoms. From ancient times to the present, the ruler of this world has been Satan, and people have been living in sin without a choice. The revelation in the Bible is very clear: the ruler of this world is doomed to perish, but what about “His people”? Those whom God loves, do they also have to perish with the ruler?
The contradiction lies in the fact that God’s attribute is love, and He does not want anyone to perish.
At the same time, God’s attributes also include righteousness and holiness, and He cannot bring the citizens of Satan’s kingdom into heaven.
So, He took the most foolish approach in the world—He came down as a human, died on the cross, and paid an extremely heavy price to redeem the slaves (those who labour all their lives and are bound by sin, unable to break free no matter how hard they try) living in this world. He is the “Lamb of Atonement.” We believe in Jesus, we take refuge in Jesus, just like putting the blood of the lamb on the doorposts, allowing us to cross over the finality of eternal death. It’s worth noting that the avenging spirit chose its targets not by bloodline but by whether the household had applied the lamb’s blood. Who can be included in God’s salvation? It’s not based on bloodline or lineage, or even how upright you are; it depends on a person’s choice, whether you choose to be saved or not.
To the world visible to the naked eye, Jesus’ death was that of a political or religious criminal, sentenced to a severe execution.
But in the unseen spiritual world, a profound transformation occurred—the gates of the kingdom of heaven were opened, and God’s people could move from the bitterness of sin and eternal death to God’s kingdom, sharing in the eternal life of Jesus Christ.
Around 1,400 years before the birth of Christ, the Red Sea parted, standing like walls, and the people of God escaped from the bondage of Egypt, passing through the depths of the sea on their way to the Promised Land. This can be likened to our journey from a dark kingdom into the Kingdom of love, peace, joy, satisfaction, and eternal life, all through the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb.
The parting of the Red Sea was a visible miracle, but the death and resurrection of Jesus, which transformed countless lives, moving them from death to life, was an even greater miracle. The former could be seen with the eyes, while the latter required a spiritual perspective.
Since it is a miracle, it cannot be achieved by human ability or effort. Obtaining a life in Christ is not a result of praying when you remember while smoking, nor is it because you never smoked from birth to death; it is a result of God’s salvation. This is called “grace.” Grace is not what you deserve; it is what you receive even though you are undeserving.
Is it too easy not to have to strive? Then, what qualifies you to believe in Jesus? The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). When God created humans, He gave us free will. The kingdom of heaven does not forcibly snatch men and women; when we are willing to be saved, we will be saved. It’s as simple as that, so simple that you might wonder, “Is it that straightforward?”
After you’ve said the “salvation prayer” (acknowledging your sins and putting your trust in Jesus), you might wonder, “Am I a Christian now? I don’t seem to have done anything different. If I took a ‘before’ and ‘after’ photo like those beauty centre advertisements, I can’t see any change.”
Not by Our Own Efforts=Too Easy?
You might think it’s easy. Are you sure?
“Confessing Jesus as Lord with your mouth,” do you think it’s easy? Apart from those who were born into poverty and were sold into slavery, apart from ancient Chinese officials who had to call themselves “lackey” to their masters, apart from flattering and ingratiating yourself in the workplace, apart from seeking protection from the underworld boss… When have you seen someone willingly call another person “Lord”?
You would only call Jesus Christ your “Lord” with a certain faith that goes beyond what the eyes can see. You would recognize this “Lord” with a faith that allows you to surrender your position as the master of your own life so that Jesus can be your Lord.
If someone finds it difficult even to say sorry to another person, let alone call themselves a believer in Jesus, don’t make fun of them because they are willing to call Jesus their “Lord,” which is not simple; it’s just that they haven’t been able to live out their faith.
Human nature tends to think that good things are the result of their own wisdom and effort, while bad things are the result of an unjust God. To willingly call Jesus “Lord” is to overturn a self-centred worldview and change your identity from the bottom up, and this process is not simple. Often, when someone believes in the Lord, there are many people behind the scenes praying, asking the Holy Spirit to help them transform.
Once the inner transformation takes place, and you declare it with your free will, in the spiritual kingdom that the naked eye cannot see, you are already marked by the Holy Spirit, and you have entered God’s kingdom.
People often think that things can’t be so “simple” and that they must follow certain rules to become a perfect person or at least appear perfect to be considered divine. Little do they know that often, trying to be a perfect person or appearing perfect is more in line with human sinfulness. The former is still self-righteous, self-exalting, and self-reliant, while the latter is a recognition of one’s own flaws and a willingness to let God take control of one’s life.
Pastor Stephen Tong once said, “When Jesus ascended to heaven, He didn’t bring generals and kings with Him, but rather, He was surrounded by criminals. There has never been anyone with sins too great that God couldn’t save. The mystery of the Gospel lies here— even thieves can enter, so who is there without hope?”
True Transformation
When you are attracted to the woman’s chest across the street, you want to pray; when your wife asks if you have impure thoughts, you want to loudly say “No,” so you pray; when your child accidentally drops your iPhone, your heart flinches, and you want to get angry, so you pray; when your child scolds you and says, “It’s all your fault!” and you think of throwing them out of the house, you want to pray; when your mother nags at you to have another child, and you want to roll your eyes at her, you want to pray; when your child takes first place in the class, and you want to show off to others, you want to pray; when you find out that your colleague’s child is also first in the class, making you feel ashamed of your own child, you want to pray…
Achieving all this isn’t impossible, but it all stems from experiencing Jesus’ great love, letting the Holy Spirit guide our hearts, and not relying on personal willpower to force it. Because the Lord purifies our hearts, heals us with love, and fills us, we can change our nature. At the same time, we deeply understand that even if we are full of flaws, sinful, broken in body and soul, the Lord’s grace never departs. This is the essence of the “Gospel.” If salvation were only for perfect people, it would be a “curse.” We are not “saved” by striving for moral perfection, but by being redeemed from sin and willingly surrendering ourselves to the Lord of all goodness. If we try to climb moral heights through our own willpower, our minds can easily become preoccupied with various moral imperfections, leading to psychological distortions. We may become overly critical and intolerant of others’ shortcomings, losing the loving heart of tolerance. Such individuals may speak of love, but internally harbour sharpness and resentment, which does not attract people to the life of Christ but rather pushes them away. Alternatively, they may suppress their feelings excessively, transforming them into negative energy, which is also unhealthy.
When you are moved to pray, please join me:
Lord Jesus, I thank You for becoming the sacrificial Lamb, dying on the cross and shedding Your precious blood to cleanse my sins, allowing me to leave the kingdom of darkness and enter God’s kingdom. I want to acknowledge You as my Lord and ask You to take control of my life. Please do not leave me, guide me every day, and let me walk in Your ways, receiving blessings throughout my life. In the victorious name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
按這個邏輯,當你被對面馬路的女士的胸部吸引時,你得禱告;當你老婆問你有沒有邪念,你想大聲說「沒有」時,你得禱告;當你小孩不慎把你的 I Phone 丟在地上,個心離一離,然後想大發雷霆時,你得禱告; 當小孩罵你,還說:「都是學你的!」你想扔他出門的時候,你得禱告;當你媽嘮叨你,快些多生一個小孩,你想反她白眼時,你得禱告;當你孩子考獲全班第一,想向人炫耀一下的時候,你得禱告;當你發現你同事的孩子原來全級第一,令你頓感犬子羞家時,你得禱告…
若有人,連對人講一句sorry 都覺得很困難,而稱自己信耶穌,你不要取笑他,因為他願意稱耶穌為「主」,這個不簡單,只是他未能活出信仰而已。
當你被對面馬路的女士的胸部吸引時,你願禱告;當你老婆問你有沒有邪念,你想大聲說「沒有」時,你願禱告;當你小孩不慎把你的 I Phone 丟在地上,個心離一離,然後想大發雷霆時,你願禱告; 當小孩罵你,還說:「都是學你的!」你想扔他出門的時候,你願禱告;當你媽嘮叨你,快些多生一個小孩,你想反她白眼時,你願禱告;當你孩子取了全班第一,想向人炫耀一下的時候,你願禱告;當你發現你同事的孩子原來全級第一,令你頓感犬子羞家時,你願禱告…