The Chinese version is after the English one.
What is believing in Jesus all about?
In simple terms, “believing in Jesus” is like changing your citizenship, moving from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of Heaven, and it involves transferring sovereignty over your life. When you receive a new passport, there may be no physical or environmental changes, but your identity, citizenship, rights, and responsibilities are different. Of course, this “kingdom” is not about earthly borders or powers; it’s about spiritual authority. The powers of heaven and earth interact and influence each other, but it’s not a binary division. You can’t say a particular government is of the devil, and another is of God; it’s not that simple. Human kingdoms are human kingdoms, and the spiritual kingdom is a different realm that needs to be distinguished.
Wait a moment, did you say we originally belonged to the kingdom of Satan? What’s going on?
In the Bible, in Luke 4, there’s an account of Satan tempting Jesus. When we typically read this passage, our focus is on how Jesus overcame temptation from a moral standpoint. That perspective is valid and good, but today, let’s try to look at it from a different angle. If you examine it closely, you’ll see that it’s a clash between two kings or kingdoms—one is the King of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the other is the ruler of the World’s wealth and glory. There’s a crucial message in this account. Here’s what happened:
Jesus was praying in the wilderness, and Satan came to him to tempt him. Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and in an instant showed him all the kingdoms of the World and their glory. Satan said to Jesus, “All this authority and glory I will give you, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I will. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours” (Luke 4:6-7, ESV).
Satan not only claimed to have authority over this world but even used the word “give” when talking to Jesus, indicating a clear hierarchy. So, how did Jesus respond to this?
A. “Who says you have authority? You’re bluffing.”
B. “You’re greater than me? You think you have this power? Are you sure?”
C. “Alright, give me the wealth and glory quickly! I don’t want to go to the cross!”
What’s the answer? The answer is D—none of the above. Jesus responded with Scripture, saying, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve” (Luke 4:8, ESV).
Jesus didn’t deny Satan’s authority in this world. Yes, you’re not being deceived; the Bible does refer to Satan as “the king of this World.” Jesus, in human form, was born into this world, willingly subjected himself to human limitations, and faced the temptations of the ruler of this world. He even allowed himself to be brutally tortured and crucified, descending into Hades. He later resurrected, breaking the power of death, but that’s a different part of the story. During his 33 years on Earth, he permitted Satan to reign as king. Although Jesus had prophesied, “Now is the judgement of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out” (John 12:31, ESV), as of now (the 21st century), what Romans 8:20 has stated is still valid: all creation is still subjected to the rule of Satan, but not willingly.
At this point, you might think I’m crazy and say, “Are you saying I’m under the rule of Satan? Are you calling us all devils?”
No, you’re not a devil, but you live under Satan’s rule. What’s Satan’s rule? The Bible tells us that Satan specialises in three things: stealing, destroying, and killing, all aimed at destroying human souls. The most common means he uses to achieve these ends is deception. Here are some common patterns of his rule. Take a look and see how many you recognize in yourself:
- Lying:
- When your friend seems upset with you today, what’s the immediate thought that comes to your mind? Do you instantly think, “I knew it, no one genuinely cares about me. No one is obliged to do so. I just mentioned I bought a new car, and now they’re jealous. Look at how fragile human friendships are!” Why doesn’t your mind offer a second voice, one that says, “Maybe my friend is having a bad day, and I should check in on them”? You’ve been hurt before. You’ve given your heart genuinely but received no reciprocation, maybe even faced rejection. Why do you doubt there’s no genuine care in the world? Because you’ve been hurt, you’ve shielded your heart, and you’re afraid of more hurt. People seldom ask questions on the other side: By closing off my heart, can I really avoid being hurt, or do I continue to carry past hurts to new situations? There are not many people who consider seeking healing of wounds, setting healthy boundaries, and learning deeper communication skills after being hurt. What’s the reason? Psychologists would say that a lack of security established during your 0-6 years of life may be affecting your ability to navigate relationships now. So, you tell yourself, “This is just the way the world is. I have to protect myself, or I’ll continue getting hurt.” However, you may not realise that by guarding your heart too tightly, you’re also closing it off, preventing the potential for genuine connection and healing. Satan’s rule is apparent when you believe these lies.
- Stealing:
- What are the easiest things that can be stolen in life? Wealth and time. When I ask my teenage students, “What do you typically do after school?” Most of them say “using my phone and relaxing”. Everybody knows that life is short and time is scarce. Yet sometimes we are not really even “relaxing”, we just let time flow away without any purpose. On the other hand, we claim that we don’t have enough time to do what we really want to do. However, we seem to accept it with no problem and believe that “life is like that”. We’ve been stolen from, and are accustomed to feeling powerless. You might argue, “Life is harsh enough. We don’t need to fill every minute with meaning.” That’s a valid point. But the truth is, we are defined by what we spend our time doing. Ironically, the time most spent may not actually comply with what we truly need. We are fed up with too much stress. Some will find themselves behind the screen of their mobile phones, have fun in some way, and forget about the pressures of reality. We prefer to unconsciously let time slip away, let problems pile up, feel overwhelmed by challenges of different aspects, and not find the motivation to change, grow and flourish. We do a lot of things we “like” and “want”, but don’t feel content. It’s hard to experience true fulfilment. We think that we are spending our time freely but actually we easily get lost in daily habits, which we sometimes follow blindly.
- Destroying:
- Satan delights in destroying what you’ve worked hard to build or things you cherish- from a simple project to a cherished friendship, from a family to an entire society. Repeated destruction on Satan’s part can make you feel that life is hopeless and there’s no way out (another lie). Traumatic events can shatter a person’s psyche, causing you to see your soul in a distorted way. You might feel useless, ashamed, unlovable, or even incapable of survival. When you see your environment crumbling day by day and you can’t find your role and purpose, you might start to believe that the world is going in a hopeless direction. You might feel like you have no reason to strive. How many people in this world are just going through the motions without a soul, even though they’re still alive. Satan’s rule is evident when you see the world around you deteriorating, in which you feel helpless and abandoned. He wants you to feel trapped in a cycle of destruction, without knowing that in God, there is faith, there is righteousness, as well as hope, a way out, and unfailing love.
- Killing:
- Satan is happiest when people die, especially in pain and separated from God. Can people avoid death? No, they can’t. Because in this kingdom, everyone must die. People who live under the power of death surely experience loss to different extents. All your efforts in this life can vanish in an instant. Moreover, the pain and fear you experience in this world can kill your soul, even before your physical death. You might lose your peace, feel disconnected from God, and be left with a massive void, which you then try to fill with your own methods, creating more destructive cycles.
This is how Satan rules over people. We often hear about original sin, how everyone is sinful, born with a sin nature. This doesn’t mean you’ve committed heinous crimes or harmed others; it’s about your identity. You were born into this world’s kingdom, as a citizen with a “sin nature,” bound by the World’s regulations. This naturally leads you to choose negative, apathetic, and despairing responses to the people and circumstances around you. You struggle to experience qualities like love, joy, and peace, which belong to God’s Kingdom. This is the problem that sin brings.
So, what is believing in Jesus all about? When you believe in Jesus, you transition from the rule of Satan to the rule of the Kingdom of Heaven.
So, what are the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven?
In the World, it’s survival of the fittest,, and you must strive to be on top. In the kingdom of heaven, God’s power is often revealed in human weakness. When we admit our weaknesses before the Lord, He makes us strong.
In the World, everything is about equal exchange, and there’s no such thing as a free lunch. In the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.
In the World, there’s pride in exalting oneself and looking down on others. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the proud are brought low, and the humble are lifted up.
In the World, people value wealth and pleasing others. In the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus, the King, was born in a manger.
In the World, success often requires stepping on others. In the Kingdom of Heaven, greatness comes through service.
In the World, resources are scarce and unevenly distributed. In the Kingdom of Heaven, a boy’s five loaves and two fish can feed thousands.
In the World, people often numb themselves to cope. In the Kingdom of Heaven, there’s peace that surpasses human understanding.
In the World, past wounds can affect your future negatively. In the Kingdom, those wounds can lead us to God and become a blessing to others.
That’s the law of the Kingdom of Heaven. But God won’t force His laws on you. If you’re willing, if you accept, His love will come upon you, and His Kingdom will be established in you.
Here’s a simple prayer:
Almighty God,
Today, I’ve heard that Your Kingdom is an unseen yet very real realm. I pray that You open the eyes of my heart so I can see and experience what Your Kingdom is like. May Your laws truly manifest themselves in me, dispelling many lies and enabling me to live a life free from the rule of sin and deception. Grant me the peace, freedom, and love found in Your Kingdom. Free me from the constraints of sin and lies. When the adversary constantly threatens me, saying “I must seize more and gain an advantage to survive”, may I remember that You provide, and those who trust in You will be satisfied. When the adversary accuses me, telling me that I’m not good enough, not worthy of love, and incapable of loving others, may I recall that Your love covers a multitude of sins, and those who have sinned can experience even more of Your love. In Your Kingdom, we receive forgiveness and have the capacity to forgive others. Lord, when the adversary comes to deceive me and destroy my soul, may You strengthen and guide me so that I can avoid slipping and falling. If You are real, may I come to know that You are real, not just appearing in religious texts and stories but residing deep within me, providing wisdom, overflowing love, and the power of life. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
A. 誰說你掌權?你吹少陣。
B. 你大我嗎?賜給我?就憑你?
C. 好吧,快給我榮華富貴!我不想上十字架!
1. 說謊。當你的朋友今天對你黑面加躁底,你即時想到的是什麼?你心裡立刻響起一把聲音:「我早說了,沒有人會真心對你好。你只不過向他透露你剛買樓上車了,他就妒忌你了,你看,人的所謂友誼多麼脆弱!」為什麼你腦裡沒有第二把聲音,告訴你:「今天他心情不好了,我要去關心他一下!」看,我說出來,你覺像笑話。因為,你曾經受過傷害。你曾經付出過真心,但得不到回報,甚至遭受踐踏。為什麼一次受傷後你便覺得這世界便沒有對你真心的人?因為你覺得,若果不好好保護自己,自己便會繼續受傷害。為什麼你不懂得反駁自己:你封閉了自己的心,難道就不用承受傷害了嗎?還是在任由過往的傷害在延續呢?為什麼你沒有想過應怎樣料理好傷口,學習定立健康的界線,和正面的溝通技巧?為何你不是在想這些問題呢?心理學家說,你0至6歲的時候建立的安全感不足夠,以致影響你現在處理人際關係也感到無能為力。於是,你告訴自己:這個世界,只能是這樣。我也只能無奈地接受這一切。其實,很可能,你的朋友不過剛剛見到疑似情敵而黑面或躁底,完全與你無關。
2. 偷竊。人生最好偷的是什麼?財富和時間。教書的時候,每當我問學生:「你通常放學之後會做什麼呢?」同學通常都不好意思誠實回答。除了「肉體上」在上課、上班的時間,他們每天用得最多的時間在嗎裡?大家都心照不宣吧。其實,又何止中學生如此呢?機敏的你可能會說:「碌手機和hea,也可以是有益身心的活動啊,你憑什麼說那是撒旦偷我的時間?」你懂得這樣問,很好啊,最怕你已太久沒有用腦去思考過,根本沒能力問出這樣「高質」的問題。為什麼會太久沒有用腦思考過? 因為你被偷了太多時間呀。為什麼你會被偷了時間還甘心樂意、還不知不覺?很多時,不是因為真的不打機會死、或者Hea 住太令人太滿足,而是因為現實世界太多壓力,想起也覺無力。理想?可能你覺得這不是你字典裡會有的詞彙,也許你曾經有過想做的事,但不知從何時開始,你習慣了被無力感支配,你覺得能順應環境、學會變成平庸才算是成熟。然後你覺得躲在手機屏幕背後,就可以找回自己,可以有點樂趣地活著。你寧願無意識地讓時間分分秒秒地流逝,任由日積月累的問題繼續堆積,讓自己心底裡慨嘆諸事不順,而不願意切切實實的作出改變。旁觀者一聽,應該不難聽出這又是一大謊言。我不是說,人人都要很努力把自己的時間搾乾榨淨才活得有意義,而是處於上述狀態的人,實在很難活得豐盛。你聽得出,這些都是謊言嗎?如果你真心覺得這是真相,不是謊言,你來找我,我想聽你的故事。
3. 毀壞。撒旦喜歡把你辛苦建立的、或者一些你很珍惜的東西毀壞。小至一份 project ,甚者如上述的一份友誼,大至一個家庭,甚至一個社會。毀壞得多了,便令你覺得,人生是絕望的,沒有什麼出路。(看,又是謊言。) 創傷性的事件,可以把人的心靈毀壞,當你看見自己的心靈扭曲了,情緒失控了,你覺得自己無用、羞恥、無人愛、甚至連生存也很無力,面對這些境況,你有時盲目地樂觀,告訴自己沒事的沒事的,但卻無助於事情的發展;有時,你看世界很悲,覺得只能在人間煉獄裡不斷輪迴,心死了又死。你看見身邊的環境在一天一天的崩壞,你找不到自己存在的角色和意義,再找不到努力的理由。你不知道,在神裡面有倚靠、有公義、有盼望、有出路、有不死的愛。有多少人,每一天就很努力地行屍走肉,雖生猶死。
4. 殺害。撒旦最開心見人死亡,最好是很痛苦地死,懷著對上帝的恨意而死,死了永遠與神相隔。人可以不死嗎?不可以。因為在這個國度,人必有一死。伏在死亡的權勢底下的人,所有你今生的努力,都會轉眼成空。不止如此,人在世上經歷的傷痛和恐懼,可以令人的心靈死亡,不用等到死前一刻,你已經可以失去平安,與神隔絕,留下偌大的空洞,然後用自己的方法去填塞,引發更多的惡性循環……